3D Steel Grid - Forget your erosion issues!

Concrete walkways, parkways and bicycle tracks

 | עדכון אחרון: 29/07/2018 20:36

Constructing broadwalks and bicycle tracks from concrete rather than asphalt is of clear advantages - life span, minimal maintenance and flexibility in the construction.


Our company developed an application of concrete roads that combines the 3D grid. The grid acts as a double reinforcing steel grid inside the cement, therfore prevents cracks and provides extra strength and durability to the structure. 


The flexibility of 3D Steel Grid makes it optimal solution for constructing extreme bicycle and skate tracks which contain complex angles and curves (as illustrated in the attached pictures).


Moreover, by using the 3D grid you can decrease the thickness of the concrete by an average of 3-4 cm, which saves costs and C02 footprints to the project.

3D Steel Grid - Forget your erosion issues!

P.O. Box 100 Hararit 2018200 |
Phone: 02-6283474|
Fax: 02-6274067|
רתם רשתות פלדה - דף הביתרתם רשתות פלדה - דף הבית